As with all great stories it begins with the love of a woman. Enveloping, complete, the kind of support a man could only wish for. So powerful was this love that I gladly overlooked her flaws. I gladly accepted our years of failures as a couple. And then, when I needed her most, she left. A smooth talking party boy stole her from my life and my plan leaving me in a destructive spiral as I tried to gather the pieces.
The rebound would be slow, extended by the complete comittment I had felt towards her and the reawakened pain of a woman's betrayal. The betrayal of a woman loved and trusted is a defining and powerful realization for a man, an event he holds with him always.
One year, one hundred women. That is what it took. The stories of the women, the bars and the search for trust are often lost in a haze of smoke and tequilla yet, the Sunday morning confessions of a man unhinged by lost love provides insight into the male mind and his motivations.
The list is a creation of my sexual and social experiences over the last year. It originated from a discussion with a friend and developed over time to 10 items, some non-negotiable, that define the character, appearance, and intellect of a woman worthy of my heart and mind. I would have stopped at the first of the hundred had she met the requirements. Until I find her, I will write of my search for the one, my Eight Out Of 10.
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